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Why Baptism?

July 27, 2010

How many Christians really see their Baptism as an important element of their Christian identity and growth?

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Cracking the Book of Revelation

July 27, 2010

The Lamb is on the throne, the dragon is on its last legs, and gospel is piercing the nations' darkness.

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Women in the Church

July 27, 2010

Women hold the general office of believer and as such, they have certain rights and responsibilities for service in the church.

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What the Bible is All About

July 27, 2010

Is the Bible like what the hit TV show Seinfeld has been called, a show about nothing?

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Reflections of a Korean-American Presbyterian

July 27, 2010

Reflections as a second-generation Korean-American Presbyterian minister journeying on the margins between two cultures.

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Ministers of God for Our Good: God’s Gift of Civil Government

July 27, 2010

Though civil government suppresses wickedness in the world to some degree, it can never provide salvation.

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Real Calvinism

July 27, 2010

It is essential to be concerned about both the head (sound doctrine) as well as the heart (the life of faith).

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Was Adam Historical?

July 27, 2010

Our understanding of the reality of Adam affects our understanding of sin, of redemption, and of the Redeemer.

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The Christian Club

March 3, 2010

It is by having the word of Christ dwell in us richly that churches may escape being a mess and become the radiant body of Christ as God intended.

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