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Why Seminary?

October 14, 2010

For the health of the Church, Christians must insist upon rigorous training in sound, confessional seminaries.

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What Makes WSC Unique

October 14, 2010

It is necessary as an institution to analyze causes and adopt measures that will protect WSC from unfaithfulness in future years.

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Our Purpose: For Christ, His Gospel, and His Church

October 11, 2010

Westminster Seminary California exists for a marvelous purpose: to glorify Christ, to teach his Gospel, to serve his Church.

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Testimony to Our Time

October 11, 2010

A statement of the faculty's understanding of the Scriptures' teaching regarding controversial issues among the people of God.

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Faculty Statement on Justification

October 6, 2010

The faculty of WSC issued this testimony to defend the Reformation doctrine of justification against those who would undermine it.

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Dr. Robert B. Strimple: A Tribute

October 1, 2010

Dr. Godfrey recounts the ways Dr. Strimple has served Christ as a minister, a teacher, a scholar, a churchman, an administrator, and an institution builder. 

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The King’s High Praise for His Daughters’ Service

July 27, 2010

To be liberated from our culture's scale of values, we need to reflect on the reason for Jesus' praising the greatness of the widow's gift.

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When the Good News Becomes Bad

July 27, 2010

Though both Law and Gospel have commands and promises, the Law and the Gospel have different conditions.

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Common Grace and Theological Scholarship

July 27, 2010

Can Christians learn aspects of truth from non-Christians?

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