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Ancient Praise

March 16, 1991

The ancient worship of the church, which focused on the Psalms and sung without musical accompaniment, was simple, spiritual, and reverent.

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Article Thirty-One

December 1, 1990

The action of Synod 1990 in the Christian Reformed Church was tyrannical, judged purely from the perspective of Church Order Article 31. In 1990 as in 1944, Article 31 is at the center of our church struggles. 

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Philip Melanchton

October 17, 1990

A brief study of the life and work of the German reformer Philip Melanchton.

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The Preacher with the Golden Tongue

April 24, 1990

A brief biographical sketch of the eastern church father John Chrysostom.

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A Day Belonging To Jesus

March 10, 1990

There is a day that belongs to Jesus in a special way. Revelation 1:10 is a key to knowing that Sunday is the Lord's Day.

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Calvin to the Persecuted Faithful

March 1, 1990

The power of Calvin's spiritual counsel was in the fine balance that he maintained between his insistence on militant faithfulness in the real battles of the Christian life and his constant reminders of the assurance of victory that the Christian has in Christ. 

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Reforming the Church’s Singing

February 4, 1990

As we seek to reform the music of the church, we must try to do that – as Calvin did – in a biblical way.

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By All Means

February 2, 1990

An examination of the Apostle Paul's teaching in 1 Corinthians 9:22.

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The Value of Creeds

July 6, 1989

To understand the truth, to be protected from error, to testify clearly to the world creeds and confessions are an invaluable resource for Christians.

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