Annual Conference 2023 Registration Is Open

The Annual Faculty Conference, January 13-14, 2023, is now open for registration! John Calvin said that faith is the axis around which everything in the Christian life rotates. For this reason, Westminster Seminary California will explore various facets of doctrine and life as they touch upon the centrality of faith in the Christian life. In particular, we will examine the nature, heart, gift, challenges, and hope of faith. 

This year's conference speakers will feature Westminster's own: Dr. Michael Horton, Dr. W. Robert Godfrey, Dr. A. Craig Troxel, Dr. Bradley J. Bitner, and President Joel Kim, each speaking on an element of faith in the Christian life. The complete overview of each speaker, their bios, and session topic is listed on the speaker page of the conference registration. 

The schedule and pricing for the conference are now available, including earlybird registration dates.

For more updates, follow us on social media with the hasthag #WSCConf on Twitter, Facebook and Instragram.