Danny Marriott
MATS, 2011
Since graduating from WSC in 2011, alumnus Danny Marriott has made education his vocation in a variety of ways. Though no longer a student, he has served in both staff and faculty roles for several institutions, including Westminster Seminary California. Shortly after finishing his MATS degree, he joined the adjunct faculty team at San Diego Christian College. He continued teaching various evening courses for SDCC in their Biblical Studies program while also joining the administrative team at WSC as Registrar in 2013. Danny worked diligently in that role for six years and says he was “happy to be able to serve an institution that [he] loved so dearly.”
Danny’s love for WSC traces back to his time as a student, when he was introduced to Reformed theology and a deeper understanding of the whole of Scripture and the depths of the gospel than he had previously known. He reflects with gratitude on the faculty members who modeled “wisdom, Christian maturity, and a pedagogy [he] wanted to emulate.” In 2019, Danny received an opportunity to emulate those qualities in a new way — as the full time Bible teacher for Calvin Christian School in Escondido. He is currently teaching grades seven through twelve and says: “Being a full time teacher turned out not just to be a decent job but a career that I absolutely love. It is such a privilege to be able to spend my days in God’s Word and it brings me such joy to see the Holy Spirit work in students’ lives as He opens up their eyes to see the truth.”
As Danny gears up for a new academic year, he says that there are three primary things that he wants his students to come away with: “a deeper understanding of the Gospel, a more fervent love for our triune Lord, and confidence that they too can study the Scriptures.” Like the WSC faculty and many of our alumni who serve as educators around the world, Danny displays a deeply-rooted commitment to Christ, His Gospel, and His Church through his work as a Bible teacher. Please join us in giving thanks to God for the privilege of investing in alumni like Danny, and pray that He would continue to use WSC to train future Bible teachers and pastors, missionaries and theologians, church-planters and chaplains, and everything in between.
Danny’s encouragement to his fellow alumni flows from his own experience as a member of the administrative team for six years: “I strongly encourage my fellow alumni to stay engaged with WSC…As a small institution, there are many unsung heroes that keep the school marching into the future and there are many ways that we too can serve the seminary. We can serve on the board of trustees, we can serve on committees, we can invite the advancement department to our churches, we can encourage promising young people to consider attending WSC, we can give financially to the seminary, we can apply for a staff job at the seminary, and the list goes on. I truly believe that WSC offers the best seminary education out there, an education with a rich heritage that has not given in to the pressure to become like the secular society around us. I want WSC to stand firm until our Lord returns and hope that we can be part of the reason it does.”