Dear Westminster Family,
Thank you for your continued prayers and your trust in Westminster Seminary California (WSC) as we navigate through some changes during these difficult times.
WSC administration has been meeting regularly to discern the proper responses to the most recent COVID-19 updates from the national and local public health officials, and wisdom of other schools and institutions.
Though many are working tirelessly and prayerfully to ensure the safety of the Westminster family and prepare for ongoing education needs, we are dealing with challenges and changes that are new and evolving. We are in this together and we want to provide you with up to date information about how the COVID-19 situation has affected the ongoing work of the seminary.
In light of the most recent developments and with utmost concern for students, faculty and staff, Westminster Seminary California (the administration, faculty, and board of trustees) has taken the steps that follow.
This was not an easy decision for us. We all cherish the community here on campus and in Westminster Village and place a premium on face-to-face education where we learn from one another both in and outside the classroom. We also know that introducing such a major change in the middle of the semester is not ideal for students or the professors. Nevertheless, WSC has moved to online instruction during this time in our desire to protect and care for the health of our students and families while honoring our commitment to teach and prepare our students for the church. It is our hope that all students will be able to finish their semester courses and – for those completing their degree program – that they will be enabled to graduate.
All of us at the seminary are immensely grateful for your continued prayers and loyal support. While many things around us are changing, our commitment to deliver the best possible theological education for those who have been called to study at WSC hasn’t changed. This commitment holds true for you who have believed in and made it possible for the mission of Westminster Seminary California to thrive.
We pray that you are well and that you are safe guarding your health. Please let us know how we may pray for you. We would love to hear from you! And please pray with us. Many are filled with fear and anxiety – for their health, for their loved ones both old and young, and for their neighbors who must cope with closures and cancellations. Despite all the changes, we believe in the One who does not change, our Father in Heaven. Pray that the Lord would heal and protect those who are sick, provide wisdom and clarity to those who lead, and grant much needed strength and faith to face these challenges with endurance and trust.
As the Psalmist declared: “God is our refuge and strength, a very present help in trouble. Therefore, we will not fear…Be still and know that I am God…The Lord of hosts is with us” (Ps 46:1,10,11). May God who is with us protect and keep us as we fix our eyes on him even in the midst of trouble.
In His service, Joel E. Kim, President