David Zadok

Class of 2006

MA in Biblical Studies

Class of 2006

What work or ministries have you been involved with since graduation?

Since graduating from WSCAL, I have been directing HaGefen Publishing and pastoring the Grace and Truth congregation, established in 1976 as a Reformed Baptist church. In addition, I have been leading HaGefen Publishing, which is a reformed non-profit publisher in Israel. HaGefen was established in 1974, and we aim to support the churches in their God-given task of evangelism and discipleship. Besides many of the classical reformed books that we have published, Dr. Julius Kim’s book, Preaching the Whole Counsel of God in Hebrew, has also been published.

Have you pursued/completed further education since graduation? If so, where?

Recently, I completed my Doctor of Ministry degree at “The Master’s Seminary” in Los Angeles, CA.

How has your seminary education been valuable in your current vocation (or any vocation since graduation)? Has it been valuable in ways you weren’t expecting?

It has helped me immensely in my ministry, both in pastoring the church as well as in the Publishing ministry. My studies provided me with a rock-solid biblical foundation that enabled me to build upon it and to enhance my teaching and preaching ability, as well as my shepherding of God’s people.

What would you say to someone who is currently considering seminary education at WSC?

I would wholeheartedly encourage him to consider his studies there seriously. WSCAL not only offers a great historically reformed education but also prepares men who can serve the church. Thankfully, WSC now offers great student housing accommodations on the seminary campus, which makes life much easier for individuals, and especially for families.