SFAD is an all-day event packed with opportunities for prospective students to experience a day in the life of a WSC student. Visit campus, check out classes, engage with faculty, take a seminary tour of on-campus housing, connect with current students, and more!
At WSC, we think that an in-person visit is the best way for you to experience our campus, classes, and community firsthand. To that end, we offer a $500 travel grant for your travel expenses like airfare, gas, or car rental when you visit WSC. In addition to your travel grant, WSC also provides prospective students with 2 nights of FREE lodging for your in-person visit!
Register for SFAD Today!
SFAD attendees are encouraged to attend our annual den Dulk lectures on pastoral ministry, on March 20-21. This year’s lectures, given by Rev. Eric Hausler, are entitled, “O Lord, Open My Eyes: From Escondido to the Edge of the Everglades”. We hope to see you there!
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