As background for our look at what the Scriptures teach us about Christ our Savior, the course begins with a consideration of what the various historic branches of the Christian church (particularly Roman Catholicism, Lutheranism, Arminianism, and Calvinism) have taught regarding God's Plan of Salvation, leading into a focus on the biblical doctrine of Election in Christ and a detailed exegesis of Ephesians 1 and Romans 8:29. Many hours are then devoted to the various aspects of that covenant grace of God that culminates in the New Covenant, that better covenant, with its better promises, of which Christ is the Mediator. This then introduces the second half of the course, twenty class lectures presenting many aspects of the Person and the Work of Christ our Savior.

This contains the entire second series: Christ Our Savior.  If you have a high speed internet connection feel free to download this instead of the individual lectures that have been available so far.