January Seminary for a Day

SFAD is a free, campus-wide event that is all about prospective student visitors. You get to experience WSC first hand by being a WSC student for a day!

VISIT | Experience the benefits of face-to-face interaction by visiting classes and get to know your way around by touring the campus

MEET | Study under our top pastor-scholars and experience Morning Devotions and weekly prayer groups

LEARN | Enjoy a relaxed lunch with students, staff, and faculty before getting all of your questions answered in interactive panels

EXPLORE | Experience authentic Mexican food in Escondido, relax at a nearby beach, or visit one of the many San Diego attractions!

Upcoming SFAD dates for the 2019-2020 academic year include January 17, 2020, and March 13, 2020.

SFAD + 2020 Annual Conference

The Winter Seminary for a Day event on January 17 will be held in conjunction with 2020 Annual Conference, “In Adam, In Christ.” Prospective students who attend SFAD on this date are also welcome and encouraged to attend the conference. Click here for more details.

We hope to hear from you soon!

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