Life Together: A Professor’s Perspective Part II

The WSC family believes that community and fellowship is an integral and necessary part of seminary. This community brings to heart what is being studied in the classrooms as our students, spouses, families, faculty and staff care, grow, and pray with and for one another as we live Life Together.

I like fires. Not big destructive fires, mind you, but a nice warm fire in a fire pit. I like to watch them dance and hear them crackle, to sit close and feel their heat. But I really like fires as a gathering place, somewhere for people to sit together, slow down, and enjoy some fellowship. My wife tells me that not all people like to sit around fires, something about the smoky smell and flying embers. I don't understand those people.

Here at Westminster Seminary California, fellowship takes many forms. There are lunch dates, dinner parties, movie nights, beach outings, coffee houses and more. But my favorite, as you can guess, is fireside chats. I've had students over to the fire pit in my backyard for discussions, prayer groups, class reviews, and parties. I've even held class there, reading Hebrew together by firelight! 

I treasure these gatherings because I get to see the students in a new light (sorry, I couldn't resist), and they also get to know me as someone other than the guy in the front of class. I am always amazed at the diversity and quality of students that come to study at the seminary. They have many unique stories to share, perspectives on life, and hopes for the future. I am humbled by their dedication and sacrifice as they pursue what they feel God has called them to do. And we have a lot of fun too. Nothing beats Seminary humor!

“I am humbled by their dedication and sacrifice as they pursue what they feel God has called them to do.”

I have also found that time spent together outside of the classroom actually enhances time in the classroom. Discussions are a great way to figure out what concepts are clear and where students are struggling. It is a great way to hear what questions are being provoked, what concerns are being raised. Knowing the students better also helps make class time more interactive and fun as you can use personal examples and anticipate class reations.

I look forward to building community here at Westminster Seminary California one fire at a time. We need to take time out to enjoy one another, build each other up. I'll take my time by a fire. Come on by and I'll throw some logs on.

Joshua Van Ee is Associate Professor of Hebrew and Old Testament at Westminster Seminary California. 


Life Together Blog Posts

  1. A Professor’s Perspective Part I
  2. A Professor’s Perspective Part II
  3. A Spiritually Enriching Education
  4. Fostering Personal Student-Faculty Relationships
  5. Creating Lasting Bonds