Annual Conference

2025 Annual Conference: The Sufficiency of Scripture

January 25, 2025

Scripture is sufficient for life and godliness (2 Peter 1:3). Our Reformed Confessional tradition is clear that all things necessary to glorify and enjoy God are taught in Holy Scripture, either directly or through good and necessary consequence. The Holy Scriptures are the foundation of life and ministry.


2024 Annual Conference: “Our Aim Is Love”

January 30, 2024

Among the final words of Paul to his “son” Timothy was a reminder of why we do what we do in the church: “the aim of our charge is love” (1 Tim 1:5). No goal is more noble, more demanding, or more gratifying. How do we, as the church, keep our sight set on love as we carry out the ministry of Word, sacrament and discipline? How do we, as believers, faithfully carry out the stewardship of God’s grace entrusted to us so that we build one another up in love?


2023 Annual Conference: From Faith to Faith: The Power of God for the Christian Life

January 30, 2023

John Calvin said that faith is the axis around which everything in the Christian life rotates. Westminster Seminary California is pleased to invite you to join us for our 2023 Faculty Conference: From Faith to Faith.


The Church as Confident

February 3, 2021

As Christians we may be confident that God is indeed for us in Christ even when our circumstances tempt us to doubt God’s favor toward us and presence with us.


The Church as Persecuted

February 3, 2021

This message explores how Christ’s church bears witness in the midst of persecution, proclaiming the enduring reign of God and the power of His Word. 


The Church as Body

February 3, 2021

This message unfolds how this marvelous reality influences how we worship and serve Christ as creator, ruler, and redeemer.


The Church as Neighbor

February 3, 2021

This message explores how the church relates to unbelieving neighbors alongside whom it exists.


The Church as Pilgrims

February 3, 2021

This message compares and contrasts being a pilgrim with being a master, on one hand, and a tourist, on the other. 


The Church as Exiles

February 3, 2021

Our uncomfortable calling as exiles—to be neither isolated from nor absorbed into our environment—means following the footsteps of the Suffering Servant.


Finding Hope in the Last Adam

January 18, 2020

Where can we find hope in the midst of the often hopeless experiences of life?  


Sojourners East of Eden

January 18, 2020

Israel’s redemption from her former slavery never drifted far from her corporate memory. 


Creation Kingship and the World to Come

January 18, 2020

It might surprise Christians that the book of Hebrews discusses topics such as creation/new creation and the first Adam/Last Adam. 


The Creation Mandate through the Bible

January 18, 2020

In Genesis chapter 1, we read of the so-called “creation mandate” that was given as a command to Adam and Eve. Much of the language from that mandate is repeated after the flood in Genesis 9. 


Righteousness and Life

January 18, 2020

Many Christians don’t realize that their union with Christ at salvation actually presupposes their union with Adam in sin. 


Created in the Image of God

January 18, 2020

What distinguishes us from chimpanzees? In addition to identifying the obvious physical differences, we usually make the case that this difference lies with something within us, that is, the rational soul. 


2019 Conference Wrap-Up

February 13, 2019

A look back at the 2019 Annual Conference, “Remembering the Canons: After 400 Years.”


The Relevance of Dort in Oprah’s America

January 19, 2019

The Synod of Dort is a model of the church at work, expressing the mind and hearts of the saints as they reflected deeply on the Word of God. 
