Resident Faculty Archive

Abiding in the Almighty | Psalm 91

December 1, 2022

In times of distress, darkness, and hopelessness, the Psalmist exhorts believers to turn to the Lord and dwell in the shadow of the Almighty. God who is faithful will answer and will show his people His salvation.


The Compassion of the King | Luke 10:25-37

November 1, 2022

In the story we see the hopelessness of seeking salvation through the law and the beauty of salvation found in Jesus Christ. He is the merciful king who seeks, saves, and loves us.


The Law of Liberty

October 27, 2022

James compares two forms of God’s law, the royal law that condemns us for just one sin and the law of liberty by which God shows us mercy. We who are under the latter law must speak and act mercifully.


You can’t have one without the other

October 13, 2022

James teaches how hearing God’s word and responding to it ought never be separated and how seeing and remembering who we are as sinners and objects of God’s grace draws the two together.


To Eat of the Tree of Life | Revelation 2:7

August 30, 2021

For a church facing cultural and doctrinal pressure it is easy to be sharp in doctrine but dull in love for the lost. Eating of the tree that gives life is the promised solution held out by the risen Christ. 


As You Wish | Hebrews 12:28

August 30, 2021

In this devotional we explore what it means to pray for our Father's kingdom to come and his will to be done. We recognize that we are asking that the kingdom which Jesus inaugurated in his first coming will be consummated in his second coming. We are praying for our Father to grow us in grace and conform us to the image of Jesus in our affections, actions, and volitions. May we love and serve him and our neighbors faithfully and fruitfully through the Spirit.


Meals with the Lord | Leviticus 3:1-5

August 30, 2021

Within the Tabernacle, the Lord set a regular table for his covenant people to enjoy peace and joy with God and to have a foretaste of better things to come.  


Hallowed Be Thy Name – The Lord’s Prayer | Genesis 11:1-9

August 30, 2021

This devotional explores the first petition of the Lord's Prayer, “Hallowed be your name.” When we make this request we are asking for God's grace to enable us to rightly honor the Lord for who he is, what has done, and what he is doing in and through us. We ask that what we think, do, and say will be informed by his words and works and directed towards his glory.
