Christ has given the church the great commission—to go into the nations, baptize, and teach them all Christ has commanded (Matt. 28:18ff). In a word, we are supposed to evangelize. Evangelizing unbelievers, however, can be a daunting task. What do I say? How do I start? What if they have questions? All of these worries are understandable, but they need not be obstacles to telling others about Christ. There are, I believe, two main ways you can go about telling others about Christ.
First, extend a simple invitation. You need not get into lengthy conversation or debate—just ask the person, “Do you go to church? If not, you’re more than welcome to come with me!” Be prepared to host your guest and even, perhaps, be ready to invite him over to your home after church. For my own congregation, I had business cards created that had our address, service times, website, and a tiny map on the back. Church members could carry these with them and offer them to people that they invited to church. This is one of the easiest ways to start the evangelism ball rolling.
Second, if you have the opportunity, take the time to get to know people and offer to read the Bible with them. One of our neighbors approached my wife because she knew she was married to a minister, and she asked if she could read the Bible with her. I suggested that they read the gospel of John together by covering one chapter a week. I purchased a copy of a small Tyndale New Testament Commentary on John’s gospel so my wife could study before they met. With this type of approach, you take your time, let the person read, ask questions, and eventually see if they’re willing to attend church with you.
Both of these scenarios do not involve high-pressure, make a decision right now, type of evangelism. In both cases, I think it’s important to develop a relationship and some rapport with the people you’re trying to evangelize. You’re not a car salesman but rather you’re part of bringing someone, God willing, into a life-long covenantal bond with Christ. I had one colleague who literally spent years studying the Bible with a Hindu. They met once a month to discuss a portion of the Scriptures.
All of this is to say, think about how you might reach out to unbelievers and make preparations. Pray that Christ would give you the opportunity to tell others about the wonderful gospel of Christ.