Joshua J. Van Ee

Associate Professor of Hebrew and Old Testament

Joshua J. Van Ee

Associate Professor of Hebrew and Old Testament

Dr. Van Ee has taught language and biblical studies courses at Westminster Seminary California since 2002. He is an ordained minister in the United Reformed Churches in North America and enjoys various opportunities to preach and teach. He is the son of a pastor in the Christian Reformed Church.

His graduate work included comparing Old Testament covenants with ancient treaties and legal texts. In his dissertation, he analyzed creation accounts from the biblical world and explored their relationship with future images of blessing in the prophets. He has studied in Israel and done archaeological work in Jordan. He is an active member of the Society of Biblical Literature. His current research is focused on the ceremonial and sacrificial system. He enjoys training students in the biblical languages and literatures so they can rightly understand and expound the Scriptures. He has published popular and scholarly articles on the Old Testament and is presently working on a commentary on Leviticus.

Dr. Van Ee and his wife, Heidi, have three children and reside in Escondido.

BA Geneva College;
MDiv Westminster Seminary California;
MA and PhD University of California at San Diego

What I Want to Instill in My Students
“To understand the Bible correctly, we need to see how all the parts and pieces fit together into a unified history of redemption which culminates in Jesus Christ. This understanding was what I was taught at Westminster Seminary California and what I seek to teach.”

An Interview with Dr. Van Ee